Put the Sci in your Fi—Enhance your Image Enhancement

Hello everyone! Welcome to the first Put the Sci in your Fi post of 2019! This is a particularly special entry because it's the first guest article for this blog topic! So, without further ado, I'm super stoked to introduce illustrator and graphic designer Alex Ferri Land (check out her website for some adorable art). With... Continue Reading →

The end of 2018: A year in review

Wow, I can't believe this is the third "Year in Review" post I'm writing on my blog! To continue this little tradition, which was inspired by my friend’s blog post, I wanted to take a little time and space to reflect on 2018 and emphasize to myself how much (or little) I accomplished this year. I started... Continue Reading →

Chicken Chapli Kebab Recipe

Hey everyone! For this next recipe post, I've invited my friend, Soumya Nanda, to contribute a guest post. Below is his recipe for his delicious chicken kebabs. Perfect for a weekend spent by the grill! Enjoy! This recipe is one of my favorite side dishes – chicken chapli kebab. It is a famous dish in... Continue Reading →

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